Free PDF Drawing the Draped Figure (Dover Anatomy for Artists), by George B. Bridgman
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Drawing the Draped Figure (Dover Anatomy for Artists), by George B. Bridgman
Free PDF Drawing the Draped Figure (Dover Anatomy for Artists), by George B. Bridgman
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Many art students and professionals have mastered the art of depicting unclothed figures, but still have trouble accurately rendering clothing or other forms of draped cloth. Part of the problem — before this book came along — was that there was a lack of concise and simple instruction on the subject, and much that was written was too vague to be helpful. This comprehensive, well-illustrated book was created to solve the problem.
In these pages George Bridgman — a longtime instructor at New York's Art Student League and one of the nation's foremost teachers of figure drawing — offers expert advice on depicting draped figures. "Clothing is none other than a drapery arranged around a body that is beneath it. To express the multitudinous forms it takes, one should learn to express in a direct way the different characters of folds, for each one plays its individual part as distinctly apart as actors play their different characters upon the stage."
Students learn the characteristics of seven different kinds of folds and how to render them, including pipe, zigzag, spiral, half-lock, diaper pattern, drop, and inert folds. Mastery of these principles is the key to realistic portrayal of garments, as well as the proper rendering of cloth in still lifes. The straightforward, easy-to-follow text is illustrated by 200 of Bridgman's own sketches and diagrams, reproduced from pencil renderings in crisp halftones. Art students, teachers, and professionals alike are sure to welcome this inexpensive republication of a practical, hands-on manual by a master of figure drawing.
- Sales Rank: #666394 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-03-08
- Released on: 2012-03-08
- Format: Kindle eBook
From the Back Cover
Many art students and professionals have mastered the art of depicting unclothed figures, but still have trouble accurately rendering clothing or other forms of draped cloth. Part of the problem—before this book came along—was that there was a lack of concise and simple instruction on the subject, and much that was written was too vague to be helpful. This comprehensive, well-illustrated book was created to solve the problem.
In these pages George Bridgman—a longtime instructor at New York's Art Student League and one of the nation's foremost teachers of figure drawing—offers expert advice on depicting draped figures. "Clothing is none other than a drapery arranged around a body that is beneath it. To express the multitudinous forms it takes, one should learn to express in a direct way the different characters of folds, for each one plays its individual part as distinctly apart as actors play their different characters upon the stage."
Students learn the characteristics of seven different kinds of folds and how to render them, including pipe, zigzag, spiral, half-lock, diaper pattern, drop, and inert folds. Mastery of these principles is the key to realistic portrayal of garments, as well as the proper rendering of cloth in still lifes. The straightforward, easy-to-follow text is illustrated by 200 of Bridgman's own sketches and diagrams, reproduced from pencil renderings in crisp halftones. Art students, teachers, and professionals alike are sure to welcome this inexpensive republication of a practical, hands-on manual by a master of figure drawing.
Dover (2001) unabridged republication of The Seven Laws of Folds, originally published by Bridgman Publishers, Inc., Pelham, New York, 1942.
About the Author
Canadian artist George Brandt Bridgman (1865–1943) studied at the �cole des Beaux Arts in Paris and taught at New York City's Art Students League. Generations of students have learned the principles of anatomy and figure drawing from his books, which rank among Dover's most popular art instruction texts.
Most helpful customer reviews
11 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Good basics, sketchy illustration, intermediate
By "extreme_dig_cm"
This is a basic to intermediate-level effort on wrinkles & drapery- parts of which can be clearly seen in the popular title by Burne Hogarth: Dynamic Wrinkles & Drapery.
The 7 laws of draped figure folds listed here: -pipe folds, -zigzag folds, -spiral folds, -half-lock folds, -diaper pattern folds, -drop folds, and -inert folds. Burne Hogarth basically takes all of Bridgman's ideas and tries to improve on them. Critics still debate the effectiveness of Hogarth vs. Bridgman- but I believe Hogarth's work, in this particular case, has far exceeded that of Bridgman. Which book to get? The price of Bridgman's book is very attractive- But is it effective? Maybe. I think it depends on how you use it. In conjunction with photographs, Bridgman's book *can* be effective. Still, I have to admit: Bridgman's drawings here are not exactly clear. It takes a real concerted effort to figure out exactly what he's trying to teach. Also worth considering is that the best parts of this book were eventually included in what is now called Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. If you're trying to decide between his Complete Guide and this, I recommend the Complete Guide by far.
P.S. There's a brief, excellent section on wrinkles & drapery for *beginners* in Jack Hamm's Drawing the Head and Figure- check it out!
*A better book worth considering*- Barbara Bradley's Drawing People: How to Portray the Clothed Figure, available here on Amazon(!).
13 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Two Different Books?!
By Andrew S.
After reading the other very positive review, I'm wondering if we have two different books!
I was looking forward to receiving this book as I've been experimenting drawing folds and clothing lately, but needed some guidance. I thought this book would provide it. It didn't.
There are several problems.
1. The drawings are almost incomprehensible line drawings that give no clear picture of exactly what's going on in the various kinds of folds.
2. There's a lack of useful photographs.
3. The poor printing quality doesn't help.
4. The text gives no "laws" of folds (such as: The fabric will always bend this way if it hangs that way, etc).
In a bookstore in Italy recently I saw a book by Hogarth on the same subject. Though it was in Italian, the drawings showed much more clearly exactly what's going on with clothing in various positions and movements. With text in English, I can only imagine it will be far more helpful to me than this Bridgman book.
I'm just happy the Bridgman book was inexpensive.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
It is not that bad as you thought
By gy314
I read both Burne Hogarth's Dynamic Drappery and Bridgman's one and I like this one better.
First, I like Bridgman's drawing style better. It's looser and more simple. I can see the rhythm of folds better.
Second, the size is handy. A thin book that covers the basic in a good price.
My little recommendation: Go for it if you are looking for a more fine-art-way of drawing, as others has already sugguested in their review.
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