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Choosing Clarity, by Kimberly Giles
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Has Fear Become Your Comfort Zone?
Fear will rob you of peace, joy, and motivation. It will damage your relationships. It is the root cause of most problems you face. Can you even imagine a life without fear, stress and worry?
Author and popular life coach Kimberly Giles has created a simple system used by thousands of people around the world to beat fear and live with clarity, confidence and power. When you read Choosing Clarity, you’ll discover Kimberly’s revolutionary process to eliminate your fear of failure and loss, reprogram your subconscious mind and stop living on auto-pilot, feel better about yourself and your life, learn new ways to deal with people and problem, and write personal policies that create success.
- Sales Rank: #115398 in eBooks
- Published on: 2014-02-03
- Released on: 2014-02-03
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author
Kimberly Giles is a sought-after executive coach, author, and speaker. She is the president and founder of Claritypoint Coaching Academy and a popular media personality. She was named one of the top twenty Advice Gurus in the Country by Good Morning America in 2010 because of her unique ideas. She has created a system for changing how you feel about your life, by changing a few key core beliefs. Claritypoint Coaching offers a revolutionary approach to improving your life, lowering stress and improving relationships. Kim teaches you how to overcome your fears of failure and loss by changing some fundamental beliefs. Her science, psychology and faith based system works and it is changing lives all over the world.
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
finally, tools that make sense and really work
By Lisa Stirland, RDH, MS Educational Psychology
I'm tired of rehashing the past, looking for reasons that might be causing me problems now, so when I heard some of Kimberly Giles' tools for looking at myself, others and the world around me, I knew right away that they resonated with me. I bought her book and discovered tools that helped immediately. Each chapter addresses a core human issue and then gives an example of how to think about it in a healthy, authentic way.
Now that I understand the basic fears that drive most behaviors, I can step back from a painful situation and respond with kindness. This book taught me, among other things, that I have value and criticism from others doesn't change that value. Pain is inevitable in this life, but I now have a way to move forward in a healthy and meaningful way. I have learned to let go of some of my fears and I already feel a significant change in my relationships.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Super concepts; moderately well written
Kim has a knack for breaking down the personal problems that face all of us and creating a real pathway to move through them. This is a great read for anyone dealing with anxiety, fear, or personal doubt.
The book format feels like it was copied from a dozen other self help books and the writing is a bit amateur. But give Kim some time and some editorial support and she is going to go far.
In 10 years I think Kim will be a household name in many circles.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book
By Christina
Last year I found Kimberly Giles' advice column in our paper. And what she said just made sense. I went to her websites and saw that she was coming out with a book. I signed up to be notified once it was published. I love her perspective. She speaks truth. Through assignments in the book, she teaches me how to take responsibility but through love. To love myself, and to see others with love. She has taught me that other people's bad behavior is a result of their insecurities and that empowers me to be more patient. I recommend this book to everyone and anyone. Through her coaching, I am becoming more confident and recognizing my choice through daily decisions.
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